Ordinances & Resolutions

Ordinances:  Please note that not all ordinances are posted to this website.  Copies of ordinances not posted are available by calling the Town office (746-1230).  Recently approved, as well as those under consideration (drafts), are posted here for your convenience.  Scroll down for Draft Ordinances under consideration.

01-2024 Utility-Accommodation-Sevastopol

01-2023 Amendment STR of Residential Dwellings Ordinance.

Room Tax Ordinance 2021-02

Short-Term Rental Ordinance Adopted.  The purpose of this ordinance is to ensure that the quality and nature of the Short-Term Rentals operating in a Residential Dwelling within the Town of Sevastopol is adequate for protecting public health, safety, and general welfare, including establishing minimum standards for human occupancy, and for an adequate lever of maintenance.

02-2019Ordinance to adopt comprehensive plan  The purpose of this ordinance is for the Town of Sevastopol to lawfully adopt the update of its comprehensive plan required under s. 66-1001 (4) (c), Wis Stats.

building code permit 2019 include camping .  Amended Ordinance to promote the heath, safety, and general welfare of our community to protect the values, and provide orderly, and appropriate development and growth of the community.

01-2019 Building Ordinance.  Ordinance to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of our community, to protect property values, and provide for orderly, and appropriate development and growth of the community.

Ordinance No. 02-2018 Ordinance to create an all-way stop at the intersection of Whitefish Bay Road, Bark Road, and South Cave Point Drive in the Town of Sevastopol and prescribing penalties for violation thereof.

Ordinance No. 2018-01 A Sole Ordinance for Watercraft Prohibition at the Clark Lake Dam and Spillway and Prescribing Penalties for Violations Thereof.

Ordinance No. 06-2016 Building Permits, Inspection Fees, and Building Codes, Adopted 12/19/2016

Ordinance No. 05-2016 An Ordinance Regulating Standing, Loading, and Parking on Town Roads.  Adopted 12/19/2016

Ordinance No. 02-2016 An Ordinance Reulating Activities in the Town of Sevastopol Parks.  Adopted 12/19/2016

Ordinance No. 01-2016 An Ordinance Reulating Noxious Weeds and Terrestrial Invasive Plants in the Town of Sevastopol.  Adopted 12/19/2016

Ordinance No. 2014-01 adopted October 27, 2014 Ordinance Prohibiting Application of Liquid Animal Manures and Agricultural Wastewater Using Spray Irrigation Systems

Ordinance 2012-02 - Ordinance to Extend Town Officer Terms

Ordinance No. 01-2012 (approved 1/16/2012) Animal Regulation

Ordinance 02-2011 - Regulation of Outside Storage, Unsightly Premises and Hazards

Ordinance 2008-07 - Alternative Claims Procedure

Ordinance 2008-06 - Allowance for Split Shift on Election Day and Appointment of Alternative Election Officials

Interim Control of Large Wind Turbines - 2008-03

Ordinance 2008-01 - Town and Private Road Standards

Ordinance Regulating Alcohol Beverages and Licencing No. 2007-01

Ordinance No. 99-04 Building Permit/Inspection Fees and Building Code

Ordinance No. 2008-02 A Sole Ordinance To Regulate Boating Upon the Waters of Clark Lake and Prescribing Penalties for Violation thereof

Ordinance No. 05-2002 Town and Private Road Standards

Ordinance No. 2007-02 Ordinance for the Collection of Tax on Overnight Lodging

Ordinance No. 2011-06 Building Permits, Inspection Fees and Building Code Adopted April 2011

Ordinance No. 01-2011 Public Nuisance Adopted May 2011

Ordinance No. 02-2011 Regulation of Outside Storage, Unsightly Premises and Hazards

Ordinance 2007-01 - Alcohol Beverages and Licensing

Ordinance 2005-01 - Regulation of Snowmobiles

Ordinance 2003-05 - Eliminating the Necessity of a Municipal Treasurer's Bond

Policy on Implements of Husbandry and Agricultural Commercial Vehicles adopted 12/15/2015.

Policy Governing IoH and Ag CMV Dec 2014

Resolutions:  Not all resolutions are posted to the website, but are available by calling the Town office at 746-1230.  Recently approved and those under consideration are posted here for your convenience.

Resolution 2024-01-Disallowance of Claim Miller/Hancock

Resolution 2023-05 - "Establish Tax Rate 2023" To Be Collected in 2024

Resolution 2023-04 - "Adopt Tax Levy for 2023"

Resolution 2023-02 A Resolution Approving the Discontinuance of East Martin Road in The Town of Sevastopol Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute Section 66.1003

Resolution 2023-01 - Authorization Creation of Public Private Partnership with Hilbert Communications, LLC

Resolution 2022-11TB - Establish tax rate 2022 to be collected in 2023

Resolution 2022-02 T - Salaries, Per Diems & Wages

Resolution 2022-01T -Adopt Tax Levy for 2022 (to be collected in 2023)

Resolution 2022-06TB - Creating Emergency Medical Responders Committee

Resolution 2022-04 - Town of Sevastopol Resolution Disapproving Petition for County Zoning Amendment (DHM Farms LLC)

Resolution 2022-03 - Town of Sevastopol Resolution Disapproving Petition for County Zoning Amendment (Diemert)

Resolution 2022-02 - Resolution Adopting Procurement Policy for Expenditure of Federal Funds

Resolution 2022-01 - Designation of ARPA Funds Administrators

Resolution 07 2021 Raze Order Hartwig

Resolution 06-2021 - Establish Tax Rate 2021 to be collected in 2022

Resolution 05-2021 - Adopt the Tax Levy for 2021

04-2021 Approval of Supervisory District Plan Establishing Wards

Resolution 03-2021 - Intergovernmental agreement DCTZ

Resolution 02-2021 Amendment to DCTZ Agreement

Short Term Rental License Fees Resolution

08 Resolution to Establish a Tax Rate 2020

07 Resolution to Adopt Tax Levy for 2020

06 Amendment of the 2020 Budget

Resolution 05 2020 Special Charges

Resolution 01-2020 - Raze Order - Muskat

Establish Tax Rate 2019 Resolution

Adopt Tax Levy 2019 Collected 2020

03-2019 tourism tax collection designation

Resolution No. 06-2018 - "Adopt Tax Levy for 2018" (to be collected in 2019)

Resolution No. 207-2018TB - "Establish Rax Rate 2018" to be collected in 2019

Resolution No. 03-2018TB. "Town Transportation - Wisconsin's Transportation System."

Resolution 01-2018TB. "Policy & Procedure Amendment" - Revision to Resolution 07-2004TB Unexpected Supervisor Vacancy

Resolution No. 05-2017 TB (Town Board) "Establish Tax Rate 2017 To be Collected in 2018"

Resolution No. 01-2017T(Town) "Adopt Tax Levy for 2017" (to be collected in 2018)

Resolution No. 02-2016 T (Town) Establishes Salaries for Elected Officials and Per Diem Employees

Resolution No. 03-2016 TB (Town Board) establishes the mill rate (per $1,000 of valuation) at $0.905240 based on the Town's assessed value of $723,122,500 and a 2017 budget of $1,126,655

Resolution No. 01- 2016T (Town) adopted by the elctors at the 2017 budget hearing/special town meeting held on November 28, 2016. 2017 budget projects a total expenditure of $1,126,655 with a general property tax levy of $654,600

Resolution No. 01-2015 T (Town) adopted by the electors at the 2016 budget hearing/special town meeting held on November 23, 2016. 2016 budget projects a total expenditure of $1,119,034 with a general property tax levy of $658,578

Resolution No. 05-2015 TB (Town Board) establishes the mill rate (per $1,000 of valuation) at $0.919400 based on the Town's assessed value of $716,313,000 and a 2016 budget of $1,119,034

Resolution No. 01-2014 T (Town).pdf Approving a general property tax levy of $649,106 for 2014 (to be collected in 2015) approved 11/17/2014

Resolution No. 04-2014 TB (Town Board).pdf Approving a tax (mill) rate at $0.903947 for the year 2014 (to be collected in 2015) approved 11/17/2014

Special Registration Deputy Resolution 03-2014 (approved 10/27/2014)

Committee Appointments 2015-2017

Establish Compensation Elected Officials 2014

Appointment of Election Officials to 2015

Establishing a Fund Balance Policy as required by GASB 54  (approved 4/22/2013)

Dunes Lake Watershed Ad Hoc Committee No. 05-2012 TB (approved 9/18/2012)

Requirement to Provide Certificate of Liability Insurance (approved 2/20/2012)

Road Management System (retro-reflectivity) (approved 12/19/2011)